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Odin Synth Component
Our Unreal Engine Plugin contains these Odin Synth Component Blueprints:
Name | Description |
Odin Assign Synth to Media | Assign a media stream coming with the Media Added event to the Odin Synth Component which will generate audio output from the incoming stream. |
Reset Odin Media | This function can be used to reset the media handle assigned to the targeted ODIN Synth Component instance. Resetting a media handle will restore it to its default configuration. This operation resets the internal Opus encoder/decoder, ensuring a clean state. Additionally, it clears internal buffers, providing a fresh start. |
Adjust Attenuation | This function is used to modify the Attenuation Settings on the targeted ODIN Synth instance. It is worth noting that Attenuation Settings are only passed to new Active Sounds on start, so modified Attenuation data should be set before sound playback. |
Get Connected Playback Media | Retrieves the playback media stream pointer that was assigned to this synth component. |
Get Output Media Stats | Get statistics for an output media |
Get Output Media Id | Get the media ID of an output media |
Get Output Media Peer Id | Get the peer ID of an output media |
Resume Playback Media | Resume the specified playback media handle, re-initiating the reception of data. |
Pause Playback Media | Pause the specified playback media handle, stopping the reception of data. |