The OdinMedia class. Represents a local media stream added to the room - i.e. a microphone, another audio stream like files.
Don’t create OdinMedia instances directly, use createAudioStream from OdinRoom instead.
Instructs the server to pause the media object, ceasing the reception of data. This operation essentially communicates a server-side mute request from the client, thus indicating a desire to halt packet reception for this media stream.
Instructs the server to resume the media object, resuming the reception of data. This operation essentially communicates a server-side unmute request from the client, thus indicating a desire to resume packet reception for this media stream.
Sends audio data to the room. The data must be in the format specified when creating the media as a 32-bit float array. Samples need to be between -1 and 1. Audio data needs to be sent in regular intervals, otherwise the audio will be sound interrupted. See the example for more details.